Beauty Mistakes: How Fast Can you Age You?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say. While that is certainly true, there are fairly universal concepts of beauty that people try to adhere to. In most cultures, people cling to youth for as long as they can because looking young is equivalent to looking good. So why would you do anything to make yourself look older? The only time when people try to look older is when they are younger. Yes, we’re well aware of the irony in that situation.Women put a lot of time and effort into looking beautiful. The beauty industry is huge in the US and many women work hard every morning to make themselves look their best. In addition to that, we all try our hardest to live a healthy life so we look and feel younger. Unfortunately, there are a few mistakes that you might be making that actually cause you to look older, not younger. Curious as to what they are? Here are 3 of the most common beauty mistakes that (mostly) women make…

1. Too much concealer under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a bane of beauty for both men and women. Getting more sleep and adjusting your diet can help make these look better, but oftentimes women rely on concealer to help their eyes look more youthful. But as you get older, the skin under the eye becomes thinner. This means you need to apply light amounts of concealer and only where there are darker areas. Otherwise the thick cover-up will not look good at all.

2. Too much Foundation

Putting on a thick layer of foundation is obvious to anyone who spends a few moments looking at your face. Instead, try to be minimal with your use of foundation or use a tinted moisturizer or BB cream instead. The more skin people can see and the less makeup the better. Use it to enhance your well-taken-care-of skin, not cover it up.

3. Bad Hairstyle choice

Your hairstyle can be a huge boost to your beauty, or an unfortunate detriment to your beauty. As you get older and want to continue looking young, a long and flat hair style will not work as well as it did in your youth. Long, flat hair exaggerates the look of a droopier, older face without bringing out the good in your face.