Uncover Your Voice; Listen With Your Eyes
Recently, when I went grocery shopping at our local whole foods. After checking out, two guys started up their Harley-Davidson motorcycles, parked maybe 25 feet from me. Naturally, being Harley guys, these were rebels -- lone wolves, guys who do it Their Way, guys who do not follow the crowd. You could tell because they were wearing the same jeans, jackets, boots, bandannas, sunglasses, belt buckles, tattoos and (presumably) underwear worn by roughly 28 million other lone-wolf Harley guys.Of course, I continue walking toward my car and then I noticed a shadow behind me fastly approaching. I hear a mans voice, excuse me sir; aren't you a makeup artist? I sort of froze and said in my head"did he just say that" I turned and replied yes I am. He went on to say that he and his then girlfriend now wife met me at a makeover show and I was the makeup artist who worked on her. At first I really didn't remember. But the more he talked the more I remembered. Needless to say, he went on to thank me for changing his girlfriends life, and how that one experience changed him and the way he viewed people. Wow, and here I was thinking, oh great this is going to be interested.... In fact it was more than great. We never know who or what we may encounter, life's experiences are just that. Make the best of each day, try to lift someone up along the way, more importantly take care of SELF first. That way your encounter with others will be pleasantly peaceful, life changing and more memorable. READ MORE